Thinking about buying a beach house that you can rent out? Short-term rentals, such as vacation homes or Airbnbs, can offer several benefits for buyers. Especially here in Surfside Beach, Texas, where beach house rentals are popular in our tourist town! Some of the benefits include:
1.) Additional Income:
A short-term rental property can generate income from guests who pay to stay. Short-term rentals can be quite profitable depending on the location, demand, and season.
2.) Flexibility:
Short-term rentals offer flexibility regarding how often and when you rent out the property. You can rent the property for a few days or weeks at a time and still have the option to use it for personal use.
3.) Tax Benefits:
Short-term rental properties can offer tax benefits such as deductions for mortgage interest, property taxes, insurance, and repairs. You should consult a tax professional for specific advice.
4.) Appreciation:
Like any real estate investment, short-term rental properties can appreciate over time. If the property is in a desirable location, you may see a significant increase in value over time.
5.) Personal Use:
Buying a short-term rental property allows you to have a vacation home or a place to stay when traveling. You can enjoy the property for personal use while still earning income from guests during other times.
It’s important to note that short-term rental properties at the beach also come with challenges, such as high insurance costs, collecting & paying hotel/motel tax, and the need for frequent maintenance and cleaning. That is why it is crucial to utilize a local real estate agent to help guide you through the pros and cons of short-term rentals along the Texas Gulf Coast.
Ready to explore your options for buying a short-term rental here on the Texas Gulf Coast? Reach out, and let’s start the conversation today!
Our team lives and works full-time here in Surfside Beach, Texas, and we would love to help you find the perfect beach house to accommodate your needs!
We look forward to talking with you soon!
Grace Reutzel & Jimmy Hickok
Coastal Property Specialist
Land Shore Realty Group
Surfside Beach, Texas
Broker: The Local Agents Real Estate LLC